Exhibition: Echoes

Shivangi Ladha, Bina Shah, Meghana Gavireddy, Rewati Shahani, Anushiya
Sundaralingam & Richa Vora
On display till Friday 08 March 2024 from 10.00 am to 06.00 pm
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The exhibition delves into the intricate connection between women, identity, memory, migration, and displacement. Using various mediums and languages, the participating artists explore the rich tapestry of female experiences, capturing resilience and self-discovery amid changing landscapes. The artworks invite contemplation on evolving identities shaped by movement, serving as a poignant reflection of interconnected stories of women navigating their past and present, forging new identities amidst the echoes of displacement.

This exhibition showcases the works of six exceptional award-winning diaspora artists: Bina Shah, Meghana Gavireddygari, Rewati Shahani, Anushiya Sundaralingam, Shivangi Ladha, and Richa Vora. The works on display range from Shah’s ephemeral abstract drawings which emerge from her deep connection with materiality, to Vora’s and Gavireddy’s intricate and emotionally charged works. Anushiya elevates her visual landscape through repetitive embroidery & handwoven pieces while Shahani’s sculptures invite the viewer to consider their fragility and the relationship they have with the environment around them.

India Printmaker House, a platform supporting artists through exhibitions, workshops, prizes, and residencies, brings this exhibition together. Founded by Shivangi Ladha in 2018 and recognized by the BenUri Gallery & Museum, Ladha has made significant contributions to the cultural sector in both India and the United Kingdom.